Monday, July 14, 2008

The Wrong Answer

When I asked my question, I had already written her answer.

“Does your garden look as good now as it did for the garden tour?”

Both of our gardens had been featured on the June Pella Garden Tour. Both of them had been show-perfect.

In my script, she would say, “No! The weeds are growing fast, and I’m behind on dead-heading and pruning.”

And I would say, “I am, too!”

And we would comfort each other.

She didn’t follow my plan. “It looks even better!” she said.

She read the surprise in my face, and explained, “A lot more flowers are blooming. Right now, it’s the lilies. Their color just pops!”

“My garden has a lot more weeds than it did for the tour,” I said, weakly trying to get back to the script.

“Oh, well, that. . .” She dismissed them with a wave a her hand.

I went home and looked around. She was right. The lilies were popping. I dismissed the weeds with a wave of my hand and decided to thank her for her wrong answer.

I guess I just have.

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